Saturday, May 1, 2010

Daily Bliss - 5/1/10

This is, like, crazy birthday week. As I mentioned before, last night was The Hubs' birthday poker night, where we also celebrated a friend's earlier birthday and another friend's upcoming birthday. Today we celebrated the earlier birthday friend - he wanted to have sundaes at his house, followed by Monster Mini-Golf . So we did that today! It was actually a LOT of fun, and I did pretty darn good at the mini-golf for once. After the golf, we went to dinner with another friend and his wife at the Old Spaghetti Factory next door, which was also a nice time. =)

So to ADD to the birthday craziness, my baby brother turns 18 today! He's a legal adult! It's INSANE to me - I'm over 10 years older than him, so I literally wiped his butt and fed him bottles, helped him learn to walk, taught him how to swim... I mean, he's my brother so he's not my CHILD, but I remember all of this. I'd post pictures of how adorable he was as a baby and shit if it wouldn't embarrass the shit out of him. (Might do it on Facebook, though, haha.) I tried to call him, but he's a dork and doesn't have his voice mail set up, annoyingly. Meh. Still awesome and amazing that my youngest sibling is an almost-fully-legal adult. I'll be more excited when I can take him to a bar for his first drink - well, legal drink, anyway. ;p

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