Sunday, June 20, 2010


This was a good, good weekend. Which was good and needed, because Friday was AWFUL. Oy.

Friday, we had our bi-weekly poker game with Bobby's buddies. It was fun, as always.

Saturday, I took my dog to see her "grandma" (my mom) and play with her "uncle" Mikey (my mom's dog) while we played with crafting stuff (the results are on my other blog, check my profile if curious!), along with a girl around my age from my mom's church! Turns out we had a ton in common, and she's moving close to me this fall, so I might have a new buddy! After crafting, spent some one-on-one time with Mom at dinner, which was nice and much needed.

Today The Hubs suggested we have breakfast out somewhere because we had a really busy week and didn't get to spend that much time together. So we went to a new, super-nice place (it'll have to be a rare treat rather than a regular joint) and enjoyed it immensely, came home and had a little *ahem* private time, and then took a little walk together with our dog. Then I "let" Bobby watch golf (he doesn't actually need permission) while I went to see "Toy Story 3"! Highly recommend, btw, good times.

So yes, a very nice weekend to help get over a bad end to the week.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two Days Catch up!

Hey, at least it wasn't a month this time! ;p

Yesterday was happy-making in that the weather was just beautiful. Loved it! In our area, especially, sunny yet cool days are rare and will disappear in about a week, I'm guessing. ;p BUT I sure enjoyed it while I could!

Today was not a good day... I had an "emo" day, and I was unfortunately in my head way too much. However, since The Hubs and I are sharing the car right now (his truck is in the shop), I had to walk from my temp job to a nearby cafe' to wait for him to come get me. The weather was nice again, and the walk felt nice, too. Plus I got to just sit, chill, and enjoy some tasty shrimp tempura while waiting. It was a nice way to decompress for a little bit and give me a moment's peace. Also, we took Daisy (our dog) to get groomed, so I look forward to seeing the results of her makeover!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So... monthly bliss?

I just realized I haven't posted in a month.

I kind of lost my "blissful" focus. 2 weeks of insanely busy subbing jobs (that were pretty awful more often than not), followed by 2 weeks of two different colds... the second week being the worst of the two (I'm STILL coughing and my throat is still sore)! So it's been a little difficult to be blissful.

BUT this is still a damn good idea. I'm in an interesting place right now, trying to figure out what makes me happy and what I want out of life. I'm just over a year away from the next major milestone (the big 3-0), and life has not quite worked out as I expected or hoped. So did I make the wrong plans? Or am I just taking a detour? It's all very interesting and confusing. Yay for early mid-life crises? It's certainly not blissful...

Of course, though, that's not the point of this blog: I'm trying to find bliss in general, but I want to focus on those delightful little moments of bliss that happen every day and go unnoticed by my usual negative attitude. Hence the point of it being a DAILY exercise!

That said, this is me jumping back on the horse! Official! *jumps*

So what was blissful about today?
- seeing the video of Kathy Griffin handing Elizabeth Hasselbeck's behind back to her after EH tried to call Kathy out for being a smack-talker (then went back to cowering in her corner of the couch when Kathy literally said "BRING IT"). Kathy Griffin is AWESOME.
- Daisy being so happy to get out and run around a little. She's just so dang cute, and I love seeing her happy. I imagine this is how I'll feel when I see my kids being happy, too - once I have them. ;D
- My temp job allows me to listen to my iPhone as I please while entering data, so I downloaded a few audiobooks for free from my local library. It's actually pretty AWESOME to get free audiobooks (and they have a decent selection - I need to wait for a few more popular books to become available, but what I have for now will tide me over fine), and the time flies by so much quicker. It was really nice.
- Texting back and forth with my mom today. I love feeling connected to her; I almost wish I lived closer to her (as it is, I'm only 1.5 hours away)... I do consider just moving back to my original area and getting a jobby job doing ANYTHING to afford it. Either way, it was nice, and I smiled several times today. =)

See? 4 different "blissful" things about today... and when I started that list, I was grasping at what I could write about. But once I got started, I came up with 4! THAT'S why I'm doing this; to remind myself that for all the bad I focus on, there's actually a lot of good.

So my goal is to do this at least M-Th, with weekends optional (but encouraged). I'm committed, darn it!