Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daily Bliss - 4/27/10

Today was not a bliss-filled day. Which is to be expected... most days aren't full of happy moments. The purpose, though, is to find that one moment where I did smile or feel a flash of joy. So while today wasn't exactly full of sunshine (LITERALLY), there were a few things that made me smile.
  • Grocery shopping for my husband's birthday dinner and birthday poker night. The Hubs turns 27 Wed. (I'm 1.5 years older - yup, cradle robber), and I was HOPING to surprise him with dinner tomorrow, but then the jerk had to change his mind and consider going out to dinner instead of lunch... so I had to tell him I'd bought dinner stuffs. I'm making him steak and shrimp, baked potatoes, and I bought chocolate lava cakes you heat up in the oven from Trader Joe's. I also bought the ingredients for recipes I'm making for his poker night on Friday. It makes me happy to make my honey something special for his special day!
  • Actually, Trader Joe's is always a joy to shop at, so let's throw that in, too.
  • I also love planning parties and being the hostess. Granted, my husband's poker night isn't necessarily a "party" because the guys he plays with have a fairly regular biweekly poker night, and it just so happened to conveniently fall after his bday, so I offered to have us host it. =) BUT since it's for GUYS, and they're a fairly mellow group, I'm keeping the snacks minimal. Garlic dip, chips and veggies for dipping, mini-pizzas made on biscuits, and cupcakes (for my hubby and for 2 of his friends, who also have recent bdays). And, of course, beer. It IS a poker night, after all. ;p
So while today hasn't been a GREAT day, it still had its moments. =)

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